
This blog is centered around the process of rehabbing a house on 10th Street in Buffalo, NY. This house, circa 1900, needs a good deal of work. This blog will feature several projects, large and small, to spruce up the house, with an emphasis on the reuse of building materials.

The key to waste disposal is the “3R Concept”: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Recycling consists of breaking down used items into raw materials in order to create new materials. There is a distinct difference in the true meaning of reuse. For example, recycling aluminum cans involves processes that costs money and energy. To truly “reuse” an aluminum can would be to find another use for the item without expending any additional money or energy. (Such as turning it into a bird feeder, pencil holder, etc.) Reusing items involves creative and innovative thinking. Benefits include saving money, time, energy and resources.

Our hope is that we can show how easy (and inexpensive) reuse projects can be. Keep track of our experiments in reuse, and feel free to post any helpful tips or ideas on our projects. Your ideas are always welcome.